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The orange as a medicinal fruit

Most people know that oranges are healthy. But why are they so healthy? And what else does it contain than vitamin C? Did you know that orange has a preventive effect against cancer and cardiovascular disease? It is an ultimately healthy, popular fruit with a delicious taste. Moreover, it can be used in several ways in the kitchen. You can eat it as a snack, you can make a juice from it and it can serve as a filling for a salad. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients
  • Brief history
  • Orange prevents DNA damage
  • Tropical against cardiovascular diseases
  • Orange prevents kidney stones
  • Orange against rheumatism
  • Tips for eating oranges


Fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients

The citrus fruit orange is chock full of vitamins and minerals. 130 grams of orange contains 116% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). In addition, the orange also contains quite a lot of vitamin A and vitamin B1. The minerals the orange contains are potassium and calcium. The fibers are also super healthy. There are also many phytonutrients in oranges. The most striking are the citrus flavanones, a type of flavonoids. There are also hesperetin and naringenin, anthocyanin and hydroxycinnamic acid or hydroxycinnamic acid. In addition, the orange contains a variety of polyphenols. The most important phytonutrient is the flavanone herperidin. According to scientific research, herperidin counteracts inflammation and lowers high blood pressure.

Brief history

The orange originally comes from China and Indonesia. In Indonesia, the orange is green or green-yellow, just like the lime. The grapefruit, which is much larger than here, also has green skin in Indonesia. The fruit itself is simply yellow and juicy. The fruit ended up in India via China and from there spread to the Middle East. The orange was brought to Europe at the end of the Middle Ages through traders such as the Moors, the Italians and the Portuguese.

Orange prevents DNA damage

Free radicals cause damage to DNA which can result in cancer. Vitamin C and all phytonutrients ensure that free radicals are removed from the body. Diseases in general then become less likely and the immune system becomes stronger. Scientific research has established that artificial vitamin C that is put in vitamin pills and added to all kinds of drinks does not protect DNA. In addition, drinks with artificial vitamin C do not have the positive antioxidant effect of the phytonutrients in fresh fruit.

Tropical against cardiovascular diseases

Because free radicals oxidize cholesterol, here is a second important protection factor that the orange can offer us. Only oxidized cholesterol adheres to the vessel walls. Vitamin C will prevent cholesterol from attaching to the vessel walls. In this way, the orange prevents arteriosclerosis, which is usually a precursor to all kinds of cardiovascular diseases.

Orange prevents kidney stones

Research has shown that those who drink half a liter to a liter of apple juice, grapefruit juice or orange juice every day have a significantly lower risk of developing kidney stones. Citrus fruit is like a tonic, a tonic for the kidneys. This is of course fresh juice.

Orange against rheumatism

The chance of developing rheumatoid arthritis is reduced by 50% if you drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice daily. Rheumatism is an annoying, painful disease that no one wants to contract. Drinking a delicious glass of fresh orange juice every day is certainly not a punishment, but a welcome refresher that maintains your health in several areas.It is a good idea to get an electric citrus press at home. Then you can make fresh orange juice yourself. You can also make lemon juice with water, which is also very healthy. 

Tips for eating oranges

An orange is a delicious fruit in a fruit salad. You can peel this fruit, put it on a plate and snack on it. Make a fruit skewer for the evening with different fruits on a skewer. A firm orange goes well with a piece of mango, apple or banana. You use the pressed oranges for squeezing delicious fresh orange juice. It is also nice to add the orange to a green salad. After the meal, this fruit is a great choice for dessert. As a snack, the fruit is a good choice and guarantees that you will last until the next meal. Taking an orange to work, study or school is always a good idea. Eating oranges in a group is contagious because as soon as someone smells a peeled orange, he or she wants one too.

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  • The healing power of lemon
  • The medicinal power of mandarin
  • The healing power of grapefruit
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