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How can you recognize Alzheimer’s in time?

Never ignore the signs of Alzheimer’s, because a timely diagnosis can actually improve the quality of life of the sick person. Medicines can reduce and postpone the consequences, so that the quality of life remains relatively good. If you recognize the early signs of Alzheimer’s in your partner, it is time to consult a doctor. This way you can prepare in time for the consequences of the disease. What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and what else can you do as a partner?

Recognizing Alzheimer’s

  • Deviant behavior
  • Signs of having Alzheimer’s
  • Visit a doctor if signs are detected
  • Basic information and observations
  • Second opinion
  • Don’t ignore the Alzheimer’s signals


Deviant behavior

If you are concerned about the memory or behavior of an elderly person or your partner, please consult a specialized doctor! If your partner is always lost and questions are repeated, it could be Alzheimer’s. Early detection of impending Alzheimer’s is no easy task, also because the signals are difficult to distinguish from age-related memory problems. To help you with this, here you will find the Alzheimer’s signs that you should pay attention to. You should always consult a doctor when you recognize signals in order to receive a timely diagnosis.

Signs of having Alzheimer’s

Many people confuse Alzheimer’s with dementia, but they are not the same. Alzheimer’s is a disease, while dementia is a group of symptoms associated with loss of memory, thinking and reasoning. Although dementia is not always caused by Alzheimer’s, dementia can also be caused by other conditions. Some memory problems can be caused by age, but this does not include memory problems that hinder daily life. Early signs of Alzheimer’s include:


Often old memories from childhood remain unaffected, but people with dementia can forget recent experiences and important dates. Anyone can forget a detail about an event even though it may be remembered later. People with dementia may forget everything.


People with dementia keep repeating stories, sometimes word for word. They may ask the same question over and over regardless of how many times an answer has been given.

Language problems

We all forget a word sometimes. People with dementia can have profound problems remembering even basic words. The way they speak is distorted and difficult to follow, similar to babbling.

Personality changes

People with dementia may have sudden mood swings. They can become emotional, angry or upset for no reason. They become withdrawn and stop doing the things they usually enjoy. They become unusually suspicious of family members and may actually trust telemarketers.

Disorientation and confusion

Even if the person is very well known in the area, the sick person can even get lost in the neighborhood where they have lived for years. In addition, there is difficulty completing standard tasks such as cooking and shaving.

Hygiene deficiency

The clearest signal for Alzheimer’s is a lack of hygiene. People who have always been neatly dressed every day start wearing dirty clothes and stop washing themselves.

Deviant behavior

We all misplace our keys sometimes and then have an accident. People with Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related conditions place the strangest objects in the strangest places. Think of a toothbrush in the oven and a jar of pickles in the sink cupboard.If your loved one is exhibiting these behaviors or early Alzheimer’s signs, don’t panic yet. Having these signals does not necessarily mean that Alzheimer’s is present. It is really necessary to make an appointment with your GP for an evaluation of the circumstances.

Visit a doctor if signs are detected

For a first appointment you can go to your GP, or directly to a specialist such as a psychiatrist or neurologist. Unfortunately, there is no exclusive test for Alzheimer’s. Some doctors use a range of different techniques to arrive at the diagnosis. In addition to the usual physical, blood and urine examination, the following methods can be used:

Mental status test

The doctor will ask you a number of questions to test the person’s mental functioning. By asking questions and answering, it can be determined how well the short-term memory works. But also how well orders are followed and how well problems are solved. Specific tests include the minimum mental status examination.

Neurological research

To check for signs of Alzheimer’s, the doctor will also examine neurological abilities, including speech, coordination, reflexes, and the like.In addition, CT, MRI and PET scans can help rule out other causes such as a stroke or tumor.

Basic information and observations

The doctor also needs basic information from you about why you think your partner may have Alzheimer’s. Take the following steps:

  • record the symptoms you have observed and at what time they became apparent;
  • what are your partner’s other health problems?;
  • what other medications are used, including supplements and alternative treatment methods?;
  • is your partner dieting or is he or she is abusing alcohol?;
  • What other personal changes have happened, such as moving, retiring, the death of a loved one?


Second opinion

The signs of Alzheimer’s can be confused with changes due to aging. The diagnosis is therefore not exactly clear and there may be other causes. If you are not satisfied with the doctor’s assessment, always get a second opinion. Alzheimer’s can continue for a long time and you have to work with a doctor all those years. It is therefore necessary to find a friendly, caring and sympathetic professional treating doctor or care provider.

Don’t ignore the Alzheimer’s signals

Of course, you may not want to visit a doctor immediately to see whether the condition is worsening or not. Many people postpone a consultation, sometimes for years, long after the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s have appeared. Why? People worry that their partner will feel offended or angry when it comes to their memory problems. Since the disease has no cure, they may assume there is no need to rush to a diagnosis. This is all understandable, but if your partner does have Alzheimer’s it is good to visit a doctor quickly. Why is it necessary to visit the doctor quickly?

No Alzheimer’s

Your partner may not have Alzheimer’s. It could be dementia, with other conditions causing additional symptoms similar to Alzheimer’s. This can also be due to vitamin deficiencies, thyroid problems, depression, a mixture of medications and alcohol use. Many of these conditions are easily treatable.


There may be a benign or malignant tumor in the brain that impairs mental capabilities.The sooner Alzheimer’s is diagnosed, the sooner you can take this into account. The disease cannot be cured, but medications can significantly reduce the progression of the disease. With the right medications, the damage can even be limited or the serious symptoms can be postponed for months or years. Rapid diagnosis helps you as a partner because you can plan with the knowledge that your partner has the disease. Accepting a partner with the disease can be terribly difficult, but the sooner you do so the better. This gives you more time to learn about the disease and prepare for it, so that you and your partner know what to expect. Never ignore the signs of Alzheimer’s. So be informed and examined by a specialized doctor.

read more

  • How can Alzheimer’s be treated?
  • Personal care for your loved one: Alzheimer’s patient
  • Tips for living a normal life with Alzheimer’s